84 Charing Cross Road

368,61 TL
Hanff, Helene
Yayın Dili
Yayın Yılı
Sayfa Sayısı
Kapak Tipi
Karton Kapak
Virago Modern Classics
Piyasa Fiyatı
8,99 GBP
This book is the very simple story of the love affair between Miss Helene Hanff of New York and Messrs Marks and Co, sellers of rare and secondhand books, at 84 Charing Cross Road, London'. DAILY TELEGRAPH
Told in a series of letters in 84 CHARING CROSS ROAD and then in diary form in the second part THE DUCHESS OF BLOOMSBURY STREET, this true story has touched the hearts of thousands.

Review: A lovely new edition of this classic title * Good Book Guide *
A must for anyone who reads - the correspondence between book lover Helen Hanff and Messers Marks & Cross of Charing Cross Road has been reissued * Daily Express *
A real-life love story . . . A timeless period piece. Do read it * Wall Street Journal *
Unmitigated delight from cover to cover * Daily Telegraph *
Those who have read The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, a novel comprised of only letters between the characters, will see how much that bestseller owes 84, Charing Cross Road * Medium.com *
[84, Charing Cross Road] will beguile an hour of your time and put you in tune with mankind . . . will provide an emollient for the spirit and a sheath for the exposed nerve * New York Times *
A unique, throat-lumping, side-splitting treasure * San Francisco Examiner *
A lovely new edition of this classic title * Good Book Guide *
A must for anyone who reads - the correspondence between book lover Helen Hanff and Messers Marks & Cross of Charing Cross Road has been reissued. * Daily Express *
Unmitigated delight from cover to cover * DAILY TELEGRAPH *
A real-life love story . . . A timeless period piece. Do read it * WALL STREET JOURNAL *

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84 Charing Cross Road Sphere 9780751503845
84 Charing Cross Road

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