Epipalaeolithic and Neolithic in the Eastern Fertile Crescent

1.475,67 TL
Richter, Tobias; Darabi, Hojjat
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35,99 GBP
* This volume brings together the latest research carried out in the eastern Fertile, as well as providing key historical perspectives, offering a comprehensive overview of the region
* By assessing the role of the eastern Fertile Crescent as a key region in the Neolithization process in southwest Asia, the book balances the prodigious output on the western Fertile Crescent offering a borader perspective for readers
* This book is for students and researchers of the transition from hunting and gathering to agriculture in southwest Asia and the Epipalaeolithic and Neolithic periods in southwest Asia more generally
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Epipalaeolithic and Neolithic in the Eastern Fertile Crescent Routledge 9781032371405
Epipalaeolithic and Neolithic in the Eastern Fertile Crescent

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