Last Letter from Istanbul

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Foley, Lucy
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*Don't miss Lucy Foley's Sunday Times bestselling crime debut, THE HUNTING PARTY, available to buy now.*

'This will sweep you away for the summer. Lucy Foley blends a rich history, haunting secrets and a timeless love story' Santa Montefiore, Sunday Times bestselling author of The Deverill series


Before the Occupation, Nur's city was a tapestry of treasures: the Grand Bazaar alive with colour, trinkets and spices; saffron sunsets melting into the black waters of the Bosphorus; the sweet fragrance of the fig trees dancing on the summer breeze . . .

Now the shadow of war hangs over the city, and Nur lives for the protection of a young boy with a terrible secret. Stumbling through the streets, carrying the embroideries that have become her livelihood, she avoids the gazes of the Allied soldiers. Survival is everything.

When Nur chances upon George Monroe, a medical officer in the British Army, it is easy to hate him. Yet the lines between enemy and friend grow fainter.

She and the boy would both be at risk. Nur knows that she cannot afford to fall - impossibly and dangerously - in love . . .


'Lucy Foley's gorgeous elegant prose and the way she conjures up post war Constantinople makes this a beautiful, evocative and memorable read' Lucinda Riley

'An evocative and sensitively written novel about ill-fated love, sacrifice and the violent effects of war' S Magazine

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Last Letter from Istanbul Harper Collins 9780008169107
Last Letter from Istanbul

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