
1.046,23 TL
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Shostak, Marjorie
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This classic paperback is available once again-and exclusively-from Harvard University Press. This book is the story of the life of Nisa, a member of the !Kung tribe of hunter-gatherers from southern Africa's Kalahari desert. Told in her own words-earthy, emotional, vivid-to Marjorie Shostak, a Harvard anthropologist who succeeded, with Nisa's collaboration, in breaking through the immense barriers of language and culture, the story is a fascinating view of a remarkable woman.

Review: [A] scrupulous, sad, exciting book. New York Times We have a remarkable anthropologist to thank for an absorbing account. New York Review of Books Both Nisa and Shostak are unusual people, and their collaboration has resulted in an unparalleled account of !Kung life from a personal rather than social or ecological perspective. Even more important, their work results in a revelation of the universality of women's experiences and feelings despite vast differences in culture and society. Nisa helps us know what it means to be !Kung, to be a woman, and finally, to be human. Choice 
 Introduction 1. Earliest Memories 2. Family Life 3. Life in the Bush 4. Discovering Sex 5. Trial Marriages 6. Marriage 7. Wives and Co-Wives 8. First Birth 9. Motherhood and Loss 10. Change 11. Women and Men 12. Taking Lovers 13. A Healing Ritual 14. Further Losses 15. Growing Older Epilogue Notes Glossary Acknowledgments Index 
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Görüş ve önerileriniz için teşekkür ederiz.
Nisa Harvard University Press 9780674004320

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