Swords of Ice

327,61 TL
Tekin, Latife
Paker, Saliha; Kenne, Mel
Yayın Dili
Yayın Yılı
Sayfa Sayısı
Kapak Tipi
Karton Kapak
Piyasa Fiyatı
7,99 GBP
Halilhan Sunteriler, would-be entrepreneur, rescues from the scrap heap a red Volvo, which he believes will lead him to big money in business ventures. So he solicits the help of his staunch friend Gogi, the most "cultured” man of the neighborhood, and gradually Halilhan’s two younger brothers, Hazmi and Mesut, are also drawn into the project.

With penetrating insights into the poor man’s tragicomic hunt for money in the surreal world of commerce, the final confrontation of brothers Halilhan and Hazmi provides the open end for a story of unending struggle.
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Swords of Ice Marion Boyars Publishers 9780714531359
Swords of Ice

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