Wise About My Body

409,61 TL
Trukhan, Ekaterina
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9,99 GBP
Right now, your body is VERY busy.

Even when you're sleeping, your body is breathing, pumping blood and keeping you healthy!

But HOW does it work?

This bright and easy-to-read body book introduces children to the wonders of the human body. Packed with bite-sized facts and easy-to-understand explanations, this engaging book is perfect for curious minds.

With gorgeous and vibrant illustrations by Ekaterina Trukhan, Wise About My Body offers children a clear introduction to the body, showcasing how it works, what it can do and how a body can be looked after.

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Bu ürünün fiyat bilgisi, resim, ürün açıklamalarında ve diğer konularda yetersiz gördüğünüz noktaları öneri formunu kullanarak tarafımıza iletebilirsiniz.
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Wise About My Body Ladybird 9780241567333
Wise About My Body

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