Beyond the Veil: Male-female Dynamics in a Muslim Society
Review: 'Required reading' Elizabeth Fernea, The University of Texas at Austin 'If a reader were to select only one book in order to gain insight into women's status and prospects in Islamic society, this study should be the one chosen for its clarity, honesty, depth of knowledge and thought-provoking qualities.' Arab Book World 'A fascinating book' Scotland on Sunday 'This classic work not only describes life beneath the veil but analyses it ... from within.' Tribune 'Fatima Mernissi is a true feminist, candid, articulate and persuasive. One of the most fascinating and instructive features of Beyond the Veil is the way Ms Mernissi approaches her subject, and the distinction she draws between sexual inequality in the West and in Islam.' The Jerusalem Post Magazine 'Mernissi's book should be considered as one of the most successful analyses of theposition of women in a contemporary Islamic society.' Ar Or, Archiv Orientani: Quaterly Journal of African, Asian and Latin American Studies, 1989