Financial Accounting IFRS
Financial Accounting: International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) continues to give readers a solid foundation in the fundamentals of accounting and the basics of financial statements under IFRS, and then builds upon that foundation to offer more advanced and challenging concepts and problems. This approach helps students to better understand the meaning and relevance of financial information and develop the skills needed to analyze financial information in both their courses and careers.
Written in a manner suitable for accounting and non-accounting majors, the Eleventh Edition, Global Edition, is the ideal text for a first course in financial accounting with a focus on IFRS. With its long-standing reputation in the marketplace for being easy to read and understand, this text drives home fundamental concepts in a reader-friendly way without adding unnecessary complexity. While maintaining the hallmark features of accuracy, readability, and ease of understanding, this Global Edition includes updated explanations, coverage, new real-world examples, and most importantly, updates to the Conceptual Framework.
2. Recording Business Transactions
3. Accrual Accounting
4. Presentation of Financial Statements
5. Internal Control, Cash, and Receivables
6. Inventory and Merchandising Operations
7. PPE and Intangibles
8. Investments and International Operations
9. Liabilities
10. Stockholders’ Equity
11. Cash Flows
12. Financial Statement Analysis
Appendices on the Web
Appendix A. Nestlé Annual Report Excerpts
Appendix B. Time Value of Money: Future Value and Present Value
Appendix C. Typical Charts of Accounts for Different Types of Businesses
Appendix D. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)