Introduction to Information Systems

1.196,09 TL
897,07 TL
O'Brien, James A.
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35,00 USD
 O'Brien's "Introduction to Information Systems", 12/E, reflects the movement toward enterprise-wide business applications. All new real world case studies correspond with this movement as well. The text's focus is on teaching the general business manager how to use and manage the most current IT technologies like the Internet, Intranets, and Extranets for electronic commerce and enterprise collaboration, and how IT contributes to competitive advantage, reengineering business processes, and decision - making. 
Module I Foundation Concepts Chapter 1 Foundations of Information Systems in Business Section I Foundation Concepts: Information Systems in Business Section II Foundation Concepts: Components of Information Systems Chapter 2 Competing With Information Technology Section I Fundamentals of Strategic Advantage Section II Using Information Technology for Strategic Advantage Module II Information Technologies Chapter 3 Computer Hardware Section I Computer Systems: End User and Enterprise Computing Section II Computer Peripherals: Input, Output, and Storage Technologies Chapter 4 Computer Software Section I Application Software: End User Applications Section II System Software: Computer System Management Chapter 5 Data Resource Management Section I Managing Data Resources Section II Technical Foundations of Data Resource Management Chapter 6 Telecommunications and Networks Section I The Networked Enterprise Section II Telecommunications Network Alternatives Module III Business Applications Chapter 7 Electronic Business Systems Section I Enterprise Business Systems Section II Functional Business Systems Chapter 8 Electronic Commerce Systems Section I Electronic Commerce Fundamentals Section II E-Commerce Applications and Issues Chapter 9 Decision Support Systems Section I Decision Support in Business Section II Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Business Module IV Development Processes Chapter 10 Developing Business/IT Solutions Section I Developing Business Systems Section II Implementing Business Systems Module V Management Challenges Chapter 11 Security and Ethical Challenges Section I Security, Ethical, and Societal Challenges of IT Section II Security Management of Information Technology Chapter 12 Enterprise and Global Management of Information Technology Section I Managing Information Technology Section II Managing Global IT

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Introduction to Information Systems McGraw-Hill Education 9780071112147
Introduction to Information Systems

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