Physics for Poets Custom

250,00 TL
March, Robert H.
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250 TL
Custom edition.  This text provides very accessible, brief, introduction to physics for the non-science major. It is written for the curious, non-scientist who wants to know how modern physics came to be, and figure out what lies behind the stories in the science columns of their newspapers. 
1 A Vast and Most Excellent Science 2 Toward a Science of Mechanics 3 The Denouement: Newton's Laws 4 The Moon and the Apple 5 The Romance of Energy 6 One Last Part for the Machine 7 Waves 8 Does the Earth Really Move? 9 The Birth of Relativity 10 The Wedding of Space and Time 11 E=mc2 and All That 12 Did God Have Any Choice? 13 The Atom Returns 14 Rutherford Probes the Atom 15 The Atom and the Quantum 16 Particles and Waves 17 Does God Play Dice? 18 Schrodinger's Cat 19 The Dreams Stuff Is Made Of 20 The Whole Shebang 
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Physics for Poets Custom McGraw-Hill Education 9781121991170
Physics for Poets Custom

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