Software Engineering

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Pressman, Roger S.
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 Having sold over 62,000 copies in Europe, Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach is the ideal tried and tested book to support your studies. Now in its fifth edition, it has been fully revised to reflect the latest software enigineering practices. It includes material on e-commerce, Java and UML, while a new chapter on web engineering addresses subjects such as formulating, analysing and testing web-based applications.Specially adapted for the European market by Darrel Ince, the book is ideal for undergraduates studying software and electrical engineering. IT will also appeal to industry professionals seeking a guide to software engineering. 
PART ONETHE PRODUCT AND THE PROCESSCHAPTER 1THE PRODUCT1.1 The Evolving Role of Software1.2 Software1.3 Software: A Crisis on the Horizon1.4 Software Myths1.5 SummaryREFERENCESPROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDERFURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SHEETSCHAPTER 2THE PROCESS2.1 Software Engineering - A Layered Technology2.2 The Software Process2.3 Software Process Models2.4 The Linear Sequential Model2.5 The Prototyping Model2.6 The RAD Model2.7 Evolutionary Software Process Models2.8 Component-Based Development2.9 The Formal Methods Model2.10 Fourth Generation techniques2.11 Process Technology2.12 Product and Process2.13 SummaryREFERENCESPROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDERFURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION RESOURCESPART TWOMANAGING SOFTWARE PROJECTSCHAPTER 3PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS3.1 The Management Spectrum3.2 People3.3 The Product3.4 The Process3.5 The Project3.6 The W5HH Principle3.7 Critical Practices3.8 SummaryREFERENCESPROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDERFURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SOURCESCHAPTER 4SOFTWARE PROCESS AND PROJECT METRICS4.1 Measures, Metrics and Indicators4.2 Metrics in the Process and Project Domains4.3 Software Measurement4.4 Reconciling Different Metric Approaches4.5 Metrics for Software Quality4.6 Integrating Metrics Within the Software Engineering Process4.7 The Development of Metrics and GQM4.8 Managing Variation - Statistical Process Control4.9 Metrics for Small Organisations4.10 Establishing a Software Metrics Program4.11 SummaryREFERENCESPROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDERFURTHER READING AND INFORMATION SOURCESCHAPTER 5SOFTWARE PROJECT PLANNING5.1 Observations on Estimating5.2 Project Planning Objectives5.3 Software Scope5.4 Resources5.5 Software Project Estimation5.6 Decomposition Techniques5.7 Empirical Estimation Models5.8 The Make-Buy Decision5.9 Automated Estimation Tools5.10 SummarySUMMARYPROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDERFURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SOURCESCHAPTER 6RISK ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT6.1 Reactive vs. Proactive Risk Strategies6.2 Software Risks6.3 Risk Identification6.4 Risk Projection6.5 Risk Refinement6.6 Risk Mitigation, Monitoring and Management6.7 Safety Risks and Hazards6.8 The RMMM Plan6.9 SummaryREFERENCESPROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDERFURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SOURCESCHAPTER 7PROJECT SCHEDULING AND TRACKING7.1 Basic Concepts7.2 The Relationship Between People and Effort7.3 Defining a Set Task for the Software Project7.4 Selecting Software Engineering Tasks7.5 Refinement of Major Tasks7.6 Defining a Task Network7.7 Scheduling7.8 Earned Value Analysis7.9 Error Tracking7.10 The Project plan7.11 SummaryREFERENCESPROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDERFURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SOURCESCHAPTER 8SOFTWARE QUALITY ASSURANCE8.1 Quality Concepts8.2 The Quality Movement8.3 Software Quality Assurance8.4 Software Reviews8.5 Formal Technical Reviews8.6 Statistical Quality Assurance8.7 Software Reliability8.8 Mistake Proofing for Software8.9 The ISO 9000 Quality standards8.10 The SQA Plan8.11 SummaryREFERENCESPROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDERFURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SOURCESCHAPTER 9SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT9.1 Software Configuration Management9.2 The SCM Process9.3 Identification of Objects in the Software Configuration9.4 Version Control9.5 Change Control9.6 Configuration Audit9.7 Status Reporting9.8 SummaryREFERENCESPROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDERFURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SOURCESPART THREECONVENTIONAL METHODS FOR SOFTWARE ENGINEERINGCHAPTER 10SYSTEMS ENGINEERING10.1 Computer-Based Systems10.2 The System Engineering Hierarchy10.3 Business process Engineering: An Overview10.4 Product Engineering: An Overview10.5 Requirements Engineering10.6 System Modelling10.7 SummaryREFERENCESPROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDERFURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SOURCESCHAPTER 11ANALYSIS CONCEPTS AND PRINCIPLES11.1 Requirements Analysis11.2 Requirement s Elicitation for software11.3 Analysis Principles11.4 Software Prototyping11.5 Specification11.6 Specification review11.7 SummaryREFERENCESPROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDERFURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SOURCESCHAPTER 12ANALYSIS MODELLING12.1 a Brief History12.2 The Elements of the Analysis Model12.3 Data Modelling12.4 Functional modelling and Information Flow12.5 Behavioural Modelling12.6 The Mechanics of Structured Analysis12.7 The Data Dictionary12.8 An Overview of Other Classical Analysis Methods12.9 SummaryREFERENCESPROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDERFURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SOURCESCHAPTER 13DESIGN CONCEPTS AND PRINCIPLES13.1 Software Design and Software Engineering13.2 The Design Process13.3 Design Principles13.4 Design Concepts13.5 Effective Modular Design13.6 Design Heuristics for Effective Modularity13.7 The Design Model13.8 Design Documentation13.9 SummaryREFERENCESPROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDERFURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SOURCESCHAPTER 14ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN14.1 Software Architecture14.2 Data Design14.3 Architectural Styles14.4 Analysing Alternative Architectural Designs14.5 Mapping Requirements into a Software Architecture14.6 Transform Mapping14.7 Transaction Mapping14.8 Refining the Architectural Design14.9 SummaryREFERENCESPROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDERFURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SOURCESCHAPTER 15USING INTERFACE DESIGN15.1 The Golden Rules15.2 User Interface Design15.3 Task Analysis and Modelling15.4 Interface Design Activities15.5 Implementation Tools15.6 Design Evaluation15.7 SummaryREFERENCESPROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDERFURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SOURCESCHAPTER 16COMPONENT LEVEL DESIGN16.1 Structured Programming16.2 Comparison of Design Notation16.3 SummaryREFERENCESPROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDERFURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SOURCESCHAPTER 17SOFTWARE TESTING TECHNIQUES17.1 Software Testing Fundamental17.2 Test Case Design17.3 White-Box Testing17.4 Basis Path Testing17.5 Control Structure Testing17.6 Black-Box Testing17.7 Testing for Specialised Environments, Architectures and Applications17.8 SummaryREFERENCESPROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDERFURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SOURCESCHAPTER 18SOFTWARE TESTING STRATEGIES18.1 A Strategic Approach to Software Testing18.2 Strategic Issues18.3 Unit Testing18.4 Integration testing18.5 Validation testing18.6 System Testing18.7 The Art of Debugging18.8 SummaryREFERENCESPROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDERFURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SOURCESCHAPTER 19TECHNICAL METRICS FOR SOFTWARE19.1 Software Quality19.2 A Framework for Technical Software Metrics19.3 Metrics for the Analysis Model19.4 Metrics for the Design Model19.5 Metrics for Source Code19.6 Metrics for testing19.7 Metrics for Maintenance19.8 SummaryREFERENCESPROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDERFURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SOURCESPART FOUROBJECT-ORIENTED SOFTWARE ENGINEERINGCHAPTER 20OBJECT-ORIENTED CONCEPTS AND PRINCIPLES20.1 The Object-Oriented Paradigm20.2 Object-Oriented Concepts20.3 Identifying the Elements of an Object Model20.4 Management of Object-Oriented Software Projects20.5 SummaryREFERENCESPROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDERFURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SOURCESCHAPTER 21OBJECT-ORIENTED ANALYSIS21.1 Object-Oriented Analysis21.2 Domain Analysis21.3 Generic Components of the OO Analysis Model21.4 The OOA Process21.5 The Object-Relationship Model21.6 The Object Behaviour Model21.7 SummaryREFERENCESPROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDERFURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SOURCESCHAPTER 22OBJECT-ORIENTED DESIGN22.1 Design for Object-Oriented Systems22.2 The System design process22.3 The Object Design Process22.4 Design Patterns22.5 Object-Oriented Programming22.6 SummaryREFERENCESPROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDERFURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SOURCESCHAPTER 23OBJECT-ORIENTED TESTING23.1 Broadening the View of testing23.2 Testing OOA and OOD models23.3 Object-Oriented Testing Strategies23.4 Test Case design for OO Software23.5 Testing Methods Applicable at the Class Level23.6 Inter-Class test Case Design23.7 SummaryREFERENCESPROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDERFURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SOURCESCHAPTER 24TECHNICAL METRICS FOR OBJECT-ORIENTED SYSTEMS24.1 The Intent of Object-Oriented Metrics24.2 The Distinguishing Characteristics of Object-Oriented Metrics24.3 Metrics for the OO Design Model24.4 Class-Oriented metrics24.5 Operation-Oriented Metrics24.6 Metrics for Object-Oriented Testing24.7 Metrics for Object-Oriented Projects24.8 SummaryREFERENCESPROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDERFURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SOURCESPART FIVEADVANCED TOPICS IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERINGCHAPTER 25FORMAL METHODS25.1 Basic Concepts25.2 Mathematical preliminaries25.3 Applying Mathematical Notation for Formal Specification25.4 Formal Specification Languages25.5 Using Z to Represent Example Software Component25.6 The Ten Commandments of Formal Methods25.7 Formal Methods - The Road Ahead25.8 SummaryREFERENCESPROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDERFURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SOURCESCHAPTER 26CLEANROOM SOFTWARE ENGINEERING26.1 The Cleanroom Approach26.2 Functional Specification26.3 Design Refinement and Verification26.4 Cleanroom Testing26.5 SummaryREFERENCESPROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDERFURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SOURCESCHAPTER 27COMPONENT-BASED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING27.1 Engineering of Component-Based Systems27.2 The CBSE Process27.3 Domain Engineering27.4 Component-Based Development27.5 Classifying and Retrieving Components27.6 Economics of CBSE27.7 SummaryREFERENCESPROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDERFURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SOURCESCHAPTER 28CLIENT-SERVER SOFTWARE28.1 The Structure of Client Server Systems28.2 Software Engineering for C/S Systems28.3 Analysis Modelling Issues28.4 Design for C/S Systems28.5 Testing Issues28.6 Summary28.7 The Design of Distributed Systems28.8 Security Engineering28.9 Software Engineering for C/S systems28.10 Analysis Modelling Issues28.11 Design for C/S Systems28.12 Testing issues28.13 SummaryREFERENCESPROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDERFURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SOURCESCHAPTER 29WEB ENGINEERING29.1 The Attributes of Web-Based Applications29.2 The WebE Process29.3 A Framework for WebE29.4 Formulating/Analysing Web-Based Systems29.5 Design for Web-B ased Applications29.6 Testing Web-Based Applications29.7 Management Issues29.8 SummaryREFERENCESPROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDERFURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SOURCESCHAPTER 30REENGINEERING30.1 Business process Reengineering30.2 Software Reengineering30.3 Reverse Engineering30.4 Restructuring30.5 Forward Engineering30.6 The Economics of Reengineering30.7 SummaryREFERENCESPROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDERFURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SOURCESCHAPTER 31COMPUTER-AIDED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING31.1 What is CASE?31.2 Building Blocks for CASE31.3 A Taxonomy of CASE Tools31.4 Integrated CASE Environments31.5 The Integration Architecture31.6 The CASE Repository31.7 SummaryREFERENCESPROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDERFURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SOURCESCHAPTER 32THE ROAD AHEAD32.1 The Importance of software - Revisited32.2 The Scope of Changes32.3 People and the Way they Build Systems32.4 The "New" Software Engineering Process32.5 New Models for Representing Information32.6 Technology as a Driver32.7 A Concluding CommentREFERENCESPROBLEMS AND POINTS TO PONDERFURTHER READINGS AND INFORMATION SOURCES 
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Software Engineering McGraw-Hill Education 9780077096779
Software Engineering

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